Andy will struggle on LEJOG to support people struggling with Aspergillosis


Andy Hoggarth is cycling 1,500km from Lands End to John O’Groats with John Grindley and David Heneghan from July 6th to 13th to raise awareness of his wife’s lung disease. 

Jo, Andy's wife, suffers from the rare and debilitating lung disease, aspergillosis. This is a widely misunderstood allergy to a fungal spore (Aspergillus) found everywhere in our lives, indoors and outdoors. 

For the few people affected by Aspergillosis, this means constant exposure to its devastating effects which, in Jo's case, include persistent chest infections, breathlessness, wheezing, chest or joint pain, exhaustion and violent coughing that induces bleeding of the lung. 

These symptoms are compounded by the extensive side effects of daily drug therapies which suppress the growth of a fungal ball that has developed in each of Jo's lungs. Surgery is not an option for Jo as this would require removal of 40% of her lung tissue. 

Being a rare disease, it is recognised that Jo's condition will deteriorate with the inevitable restriction of day to day activities and impact on family life. 

With little public perception or awareness of aspergillosis, one of the world's foremost charities, the Fungal Infection Trust, focuses exclusively on fungal disease research, education and patient support across the world. Independent funding is critical to maintaining the research and development programmes of the Fungal Infection Trust.

Andy will suffer for 7 days to help reduce the suffering of people like Jo. Please give generously to help support continued research, education and patient support. The link to donate is below. 



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