A test of body and mind

DONATE HERE TO ASPERGILLOSIS DONATE HERE TO BALERNO HIGH SCHOOL TANZANIA PROJECT Preparing for our 1,500km 18,000 climbing challenge from Lands End to John O’Groats (LEJOG) is no easy feat. Finding weekends that work for Andy, David and John is hard enough. Overlay that with getting already stretched holidays from work and negotiating even more time away from domestic responsibilities makes the cycling seem easy! We decided to attempt a long weekend in May cycling a Scottish equivalent of LEJOG from Stranraer to John O’Groats. The idea of our “STJOG” was to simulate our last three days of the main event. Holidays, weather and other general commitments put paid to our best laid plans. So we reduced the trial to 2 days covering as much distance and climbing as possible. Even that was a c...