Land's End to John O’Groats in seven days. Easy when you say it quickly over a few beers in the pub! Doing it in 7 days meant covering between 196km and 238km daily; being in the saddle for up to 9 and a half hours every day and climbing nearly 17,000 metres. Straddling our bikes for the iconic Lands’ end photo we really didn’t understand how exhausting the coming 7 days would be. It would all be worth it if we raised £10,000 for Aspergillosis and the Balerno High School Tanzania Project . Day 1 from Lands’ end to Crediton (196km: 3,200 metres or 40% of Mount Everest!). All day It seemed there were no flat roads in the south west of England – just climb after climb followed by blind descents. But the excitement of getting started sustained us on day 1 while we each harboured our own worries about the journey. Day 2 to Ross on Wye (213km: 2,533m). A considerably less hilly day – though it didn’t feel that way. Was it the climb through ...